
Solving Electromagnetic Challenges: An EMA Webinar Series

Take part in EMA’s Solving Electromagnetic Challenges webinar series, where you will learn how to overcome the most pressing issues in the industry. Whether it's adapting to new standards, adopting new technologies and methodologies, or optimizing your designs and workflows, Solving Electromagnetic Challenges will give you the edge you need to succeed.

Our next webinar is Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024

GPU-Accelerated Ray Tracing for Radiation Dose Mapping

A core problem in radiation hardening analysis is the prediction of cumulative ionizing dose in electronics while exposed to the space environment. The most common techniques for modeling this problem rely on either Monte Carlo particle transport, or ray-tracing sector analysis using dose-depth curves. For years, Ansys Charge Plus has been capable of producing ionizing dose profiles in 3-D finite element meshes by the Monte Carlo method. To complement this capability, a new ray-tracing dose estimation tool has been developed and released in the most recent version of Charge Plus (2024R2). This tool is built on OptiX, a highly optimized GPU ray-tracing engine developed by Nvidia. This allows for the fast creation of ionizing dose maps for sensitive components in arbitrarily complex CAD geometries. Along with this, Charge Plus provides a convenient interface with Ansys STK for producing characteristic dose-depth curves for different orbital scenarios.  Join us to learn about the underlying algorithms employed by this tool, and how the combined capabilities of the STK coupling, Monte Carlo transport module, and ray-tracing tool can be used in a complete workflow for shielding analysis.

Join us on Sept. 25 at 1 p.m. ET/ 11 a.m. MT. Click here to get registered.

Speaker: Colin Brennan
EMA Scientist II
Colin Brennan is a Scientist II at EMA, where he develops software and methods for performing radiation hardening analysis in Ansys Charge Plus. Currently, he is developing the new ray-tracing dose estimation tool in Charge Plus, which uses 3D CAD, Nvidia OptiX, and coupling with Ansys STK to produce estimated dose maps on sensitive electronics in space platforms. He is also leading modeling efforts for a Navy SBIR concerned with system-generated EMP (SGEMP) using coupled particle transport and full-wave electromagnetic simulation. He received his Bachelor of Science in Physics, with a concentration in Radiation Physics, from the University of Texas at Austin. He is finishing a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, with a concentration in computational nuclear engineering, also from the University of Texas. His research involved developing a novel acceleration scheme for eigenvalue neutron transport problems. His technical interests include finite-element methods, radiation transport, multi-physics modeling and simulation, and machine learning for engineering analysis.

View our previous webinars here:

Space Plasma Discharge Transients from EMA3D

Space Plasma Discharge Transients from EMA3D

Topic: Space Plasma Discharge Transients from EMA3D® Presenter:  Bryon Neufeld AbstracT: We demonstrate EMA3D’s ability to predict discharge transients from surface charging in a space plasma.  In our analysis, we obtain surface charging results in a space plasma environment and then evaluate discharge transients to cables and antennas.  We consider spacecraft-to-plasma, surface-to-surface, and spacecraft-to-spacecraft (rendezvous) […]

Open CAD directly into EMA3D.

Advanced CAE Tools for Spacecraft Charging Analysis with NASCAP-2K

Topic: Advanced CAE Tools for Spacecraft Charging Analysis with NASCAP-2K Presenter: Bryon Neufeld Abstract: EMA3D® includes advanced CAE tools for spacecraft charging analysis with NASCAP-2K. These tools allow the user to import native CAD (in almost any format) directly into the EMA3D platform to serve as the basis for their surface charging simulation, ensuring a […]

lightning zoning

Validation of Computational Electromagnetic Simulations to Support Aircraft Certification Projects for Direct and Indirect Effects of Lightning

Topic: Validation of Computational Electromagnetic Simulations to Support Aircraft Certification Projects for Direct and Indirect Effects of Lightning Presenter: Cody Weber Abstract: Computation Electromagnetic (CEM) simulations play an ever increasing role in the analysis and support for aircraft certification projects. CEM can be used to evaluate electromagnetic environmental effects as well as EMC/EMI system problems for […]
