Oversized Cavity Theory for RE/RS Assessment Up to 40GHz

Oversized cavity theory


Oversized Cavity Theory for RE/RS Assessment up to 40GHz


Bryon Neufeld


The Oversized Cavity Theory (OCT) is a numerical technique for aerospace systems including aircraft and communication satellites radiated emissions and susceptibility (RE/RS) assessment. The method is based on a power-balance approach, i.e. on the premise that, with statistical fields present in an electrically large cavity, the power entering the cavity is equal to the power dissipated by all the loss mechanisms acting in the cavity.

The high frequency region, where the electrical dimension of the cavity is large, is undoubtedly the most interesting region from an applicative point of view. The modelling of the EM phenomena of interest can be really challenging for any “standard” simulation methods.

In this webinar, we will present how to use OCT for practical EMC problems of interest in aerospace applications.

Full Webinar Video:
