HIRF and Lightning Certification for VTOL Airtaxi

Aircraft helicopter lightning strike


HIRF and Lightning Certification for VTOL Airtaxi


Giancarlo Guida


With Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) air taxis, the engineering community is once again called to support an emerging technology that could have an amazing impact on the way people and goods are transported allowing for safer and more environmentally friendly urban mobility.

There are a number of technical challenges that need to be tackled and solved.

  • Widespread use of composite materials
  • Hybrid and fully electric propulsion systems
  • Potential for radio frequency interference (RFI) due to the external electromagnetic environment and the vehicle’s RF systems
  • Safety of the passengers and the management of air traffic

Further, as with any new air vehicle, VTOL air taxis must be certified for high intensity radiated fields (HIRF) and direct and indirect effects of lightning strikes.

Topics to be covered:

  • Overview of the requirements and standards to be applied
  • Unique challenges of VTOL air taxis with regards to the lightning and HIRF environments
  • How development teams can implement efficient procedures to obtain certification
  • How lightning protection must inform the aircraft design process
  • Illustrate the role of numerical modeling to assist the certification


  • Learn the challenges of HIRF and lightning certification for VTOL air taxis
  • Learn how to implement efficient design processes to achieve certification
  • Discover the role of numerical modeling in the certification process

Full Webinar Video:
