Guide to Civil Aircraft Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

Civil aircraft simulation


Guide to Civil Aircraft Electromagnetic Compatibility


Tim McDonald, EMA President

Bill Martin, EMC Expert


We review the guidance in SAE ARP60493 for demonstrating that electrical and electronic systems installed on civil aircraft can operate without adversely affecting the operation of other aircraft electrical and electronic systems. This includes guidance for defining appropriate electromagnetic compatibility requirements for the electrical and electronic equipment. It also includes methods for aircraft electromagnetic compatibility analysis and tests.

Simulation technologies have progressed such that full-platform electromagnetic compatibility analysis is now practical and increasingly common on major programs. We describe how to use EMA3D® to predict the coupling of energy between systems. This will include the siting of intentional emitters and their coupling of fields to units and cables. Further, EMA discusses the analysis to predict the electromagnetic coupling between cables. Finally, EMA describes techniques to consider the modeling of unintentional emissions in installed equipment. At the end of the presentation, attendees will understand the basic steps to perform a platform simulation as well as what may be accomplished using simulation.

Full Webinar Video:
