Fully Coupled Internal Spacecraft Charging Simulations with EMA3D

Spacecraft charging simulations


Fully Coupled Internal Spacecraft Charging Simulations with EMA3D- Internal (now Ansys Charge Plus)


Bryon Neufeld


EMA3D®-Internal (now Ansys Charge Plus) is a fully 3D internal space charging software tool. It allows for a comprehensive internal space charging analysis to be performed almost entirely within a graphical user interface, including: sophisticated geometry import, development and meshing capabilities, simulation and post-processing. The user can specify realistic, time dependent, radiation environments, such as what might be obtained using the AP9/AE9 framework.
Recently, EMA3D-Internal has been improved to provide a fully-coupled simulation platform, such that the incident radiation environment is affected by the developing background electric fields within and around dielectric materials. These background electric fields often act to reduce internal charging, as incident electrons tend to be repelled by the developing fields. Quantifying the effects of the background electric fields is important for accurately assessing risk and making optimal design choices related to internal charging. In this webinar, we give a comprehensive demonstration of EMA3D-Internal, including geometry development, environment specification, fully-coupled simulation, and post-processing for design applications.

Full Webinar Video:
