Ansys EMC Plus and Ansys Charge Plus: 2025R1 What’s New


Ansys EMC Plus and Ansys Charge Plus 25R1: What’s New


Kevin-Druis Merenda, EMA Lead Product Manager and Principal Scientist I


The 2025R1 Release of the Electronics Plus products developed by EMA has a lot of new exciting capabilities!

Multiple updates were made to the user experience in EMC Plus, including a modern take on the material assignment workflow.

In Charge Plus, the multiphysics workflows have been improved to appeal to engineers across various disciplines – boundary conditions have been redesigned to match CFD code standards.

We are excited to also introduce performance improvements in the mesh manipulation and visualization as well as in data post processing across both products.

In this webinar, we will highlight key new features and how they can be useful in your exciting projects.

Full Webinar Video:
