EMA will be attending the conferences listed below in 2025:
Feb. 20, 2025
In-Person: Mountain View, California
Ozencon is the largest annual simulation conference in the Bay Area and is hosted by Ozen Engineering, Inc. The one-day event provides detailed insight into how companies, like EMA, are utilizing simulation to advance product development. Leading companies and experts will hold presentations on electromagnetic simulations in the electronics and semiconductor industry.
Space Symposium
April 7-10, 2025
In-Person: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Space Symposium has brought together space leaders from around the world for nearly 40 years to discuss, address, and plan for the future of space. It has become widely known as the premier U.S. space policy and program forum as well as a must-attend event for information and interaction among all sectors of space. It features exclusive networking, influential participants, prominent speakers, and an exhibit center.
Design Automation Conference (DAC)
June 22-25, 2025
In-Person: San Francisco, California
DAC is recognized as the global event for chips to systems. DAC offers outstanding training, education, exhibits and superb networking opportunities for designers, researchers, tool developers and vendors. The conference is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and is supported by ACM’s Special Interest Group on Design Automation (SIGDA) and IEEE’s Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA).
Small Satellite Conference
Aug. 11-13, 2025
In-Person: Salt Lake City, Utah
During the 39th Annual Small Satellite Conference, we will delve into the innovations, demands, and cross-market collaborations shaping the future of satellite capabilities and driving new opportunities allowing us to collectively reach new horizons.
Aug. 18-22, 2025
In-Person: Raleigh, NC
IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal & Power Integrity
The IEEE EMC Society has organized an annual symposium each year for more than 60 years, with 1,500- 2,000 engineers, technicians and exhibitors taking part each year. In addition to general EMC topics, technical programs address emerging technology like electromagnetic pulse (EMP), signal integrity/ power integrity (SIPI), automotive, and wireless. Numerous standards-related technical committees and working group meetings will also be held.
EMC Europe
Sept. 1-5, 2025
In-Person: Paris France
The EMC Europe 2025 symposium is an essential meeting place where leading international experts, researchers, and engineers will come together to share the latest scientific and technical contributions in the field of electromagnetic compatibility. EMC Europe 2025 is intended to be a forum for exchanges, discussions, and in-depth thinking, where collaborations can be forged to meet the many challenges in this field. The program will include plenary talks on major topical issues, technical sessions, and exhibitions, workshops, and tutorials, exploring the frontiers of knowledge, covering a wide range of subjects such as measurement techniques, modeling, and the management of electromagnetic risks in a world where electronics is omnipresent and underpins critical and autonomous processes.