Rail Applications and Electromagnetic Effects

Rail systems have to consider many electromagnetic problems when it comes to keeping railroads safe. Electromagnetic effects pose significant risks to both Rail Applications and safety. Lightning, RF Interference, EMI/EMC, and more can produce safety hazards, reduce operating capacity and performance, and damage components and systems. EMA® has been helping to solve these types of problems for decades.

The necessity to incorporate mitigations and hardness against RF Interference, EMI/EMC, and other electromagnetic effects hazards become more important as the complexity of Rail Applications increases. All of these effects can impact train safety and performance.

Traditional 2D models miss critical spatial features that require approximations that are error prone but very important to the problem. 3D analyses are therefore required, but rail systems are difficult to analyze in many software environments due to their size.

Another common issue in Rail Applications is inductive interference caused by nearby transmission and power lines. The time varying currents in these lines can induce voltages and currents that pose shock and safety hazards to rail personnel. Those currents can also damage or significantly degrade the performance of signaling systems.

With a diverse background of experts and expertise in the various problem areas for Rail Applications, coupled with powerful simulation tools like EMA3D® Cable (now Ansys EMC Plus), EMA® is able to accurately and efficiently analyze and mitigate these types of problems. In many cases, solutions to these types of problems can greatly increase the reliability and safety of impacted systems.

Contact EMA® today to see how our expertise in electromagnetic effects and our EMA3D® Cable software can help quantify risk and reduce cost for your Rail Applications.
