
Protecting Rail from Unwanted EM Effects

Steel may seem like it’s indestructible, making it perfect for railroads. However, there is an unseen threat: electromagnetic (EM) effects. This makes protecting rail an important part of the design process. EM effects pose significant risks to both rail performance and safety. Lightning, radio frequency interference (RFI), and electromagnetic interference (EMI) can produce safety hazards, […]

How EMA Supports FAA Certification

Each day more than 45,000 flights take off across the Unites States. Each and every one of those planes has achieved certification. Aircraft certification is how the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) manages risk to keep passengers safe. You achieve certification by meeting all FAA requirements. It’s not just airplanes that need certification, but also unmanned […]

PECVD Chamber

Ansys Charge Plus What’s New 2023 R2

Workflow improvements are coming to Ansys Charge Plus in 2023 R2. This is the first release of the renamed Ansys Charge Plus, formerly EMA3D® Charge. Charge Plus combines electromagnetic (EM) solvers, fluid solvers, and particle physics solvers to provide easy-to-use multiphysics simulation. The four main workflows are spacecraft charging, electrostatic discharge (ESD), arc extinction and […]

Using Ansys Charge Plus to Support the Growing Semiconductor Industry

Whether you’re reading this on your computer or your phone, a semiconductor is involved. Semiconductors are an essential component of electronic devices. Also known as microchips, they control and manage the flow of the electric current in electronic equipment and devices. Thanks to developments in the semiconductor industry, electronics are now smaller, faster, and more […]

Ansys EMC Plus What’s New 2023 R2

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of products large and small is now easier and faster than ever thanks to new capabilities in Ansys EMC Plus. New for 2023 R2 there are three highlighted features. This is also the first update with the new name of EMC Plus. The name was changed in summer 2023 to better reflect […]

Picture of lightning.

The Complexities of Modeling Lightning Strikes on Aircraft

The biggest threat to an aircraft is lightning. Every second of the day there are anywhere between 40 and 100 lightning strikes happening across the world. Getting hit by a lightning strike can lead to the total loss of an aircraft if it is not properly mitigated. The effects of lightning strikes are divided into […]

Keeping AM Radio in Electric Vehicles Using Ansys EMC Plus

The race is on to find a way for electric vehicles and AM radio to live in harmony. Roughly 47 million Americans listen to AM radio, with a majority of listeners living in rural areas of the country. For these Americans, AM radio is sometimes the only reliable way to get emergency notifications. Despite this, […]

Determining ESD Risk in Cell Phones with Ansys Charge Plus

The shock from static electricity to the human body can be jarring, but it is nothing more than a nuisance. However, that same shock can cause bigger problems for many electronic devices. That shock is also known as an electrostatic discharge (ESD) event. ESD has been a problem in industry for centuries. In the 1400s, […]

Using Ansys EMC Plus for Faster Assessment of Aircraft Lightning Vulnerability

For a week each summer, attention turns to the sky. The National Weather Service hosts Lightning Safety Awareness Week to call attention to lightning being an underrated killer. Since 2001, lightning deaths in the U.S. have dropped from about 55 per year to less than 30. On average, lightning strikes the Earth 8.6 million times […]

Using Metamodels of Optimal Prognosis for EMC Analysis in an Automobile

Modern cars—they’re sleeker and faster than ever before, but they’re also more electrified. It’s estimated that the modern vehicle contains up to 1,500 wires, stretching out to about a mile in length. Compare that to the 1950’s when cars had just 55 wires totaling about 50 feet in length. A new challenge now facing car […]
